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In the latest release of osx, Apple added a few interesting features to make your computer more secure and friendly. One such feature is a malware detection section that alerts users to any threat they might have on their system. But for those who need assurance in knowing their system is free from viruses and intrusive software, a "universal" malware scanner has been released by the company as well. Mountain Lion will also come with 4 new apps that are Voice Memos, Game Center, Notes and Reminders. Mountain Lion will allow you to select multiple files and then press space to select all the items. This release also adds support for multi-touch gestures using 3 or more fingers.Rootless is a security feature introduced in OS X 10.8 that prevents users from gaining root access. It does this by denying them user-specific kernel extensions (kexts). Rootless works by modifying the 64-bit launchd so that it can check if a person is trying to load a harmful kext and prevent it from loading. A user must have root access in order to modify launchd. Mountain Lion does not require user root access to prevent kernel extensions from loading. It just disables them by removing the root privilege that is required.OS X Mountain Lion was announced on June 8, 2011 at the company's Worldwide Developer Conference in San Francisco, California. It was released on July 25, 2011, with general availability beginning on July 29, 2011 in the United States for all compatible Mac models made in or after 2005, and on August 13 for China and Hong Kong. Previewed by Apple CEO Steve Jobs at the Worldwide Developers Conference on June 6, 2011, OS X Mountain Lion received positive reviews by many technology review websites. On October 4, 2011, Apple released the first OS X Mountain Lion 10.8.1 update to address issues with Wi-Fi, Address Book and iCal. A few days later on October 9, 2011, Apple released another update called 10.8.1 Update 2 to fix other issues users have experienced with Wi-Fi and also has a fix for iMessage/FaceTime crashes when connecting to some cellular networks. On December 6, 2011 Apple released OS X 10.8. 2 to address further Wi-Fi and Messages/FaceTime issues, and performance issues with graphics drivers. On January 24, 2012 Apple released OS X 10.8.3 addressing bug fixes and security improvements with the FileVault disk encryption feature with support for additional IMEI strings in the activation process for cellular-capable Apple devices and for wireless networks connecting to captive portals (such as in hotel Room hot spots). Additionally, this release adds a Reset Password utility that is able to reset user passwords in Lion Server. On July 18, 2012 Apple released OS X Mountain Lion 10.8.4 addressing issues with connectivity on certain 802. cfa1e77820